Advanced Numerical Simulations Unit
Numerical modelling has proved to be an increasingly effective tool for finding solutions to hydraulic engineering problems. LHI utilises a vast range of numerical models in its projects and research work. These include industry standard, home developed executables together with fully commercial software packages such as MIKE products. LHI possesses the exclusive licence for DHI’s MIKE softwares and conducts a wide range of numerical model studies. The Institute has the necessary field measurement capability and a staff with wide understanding of water related physical processes as well as modelling expertise to enable the most effective application of these mathematical modelling techniques.
LHI’s Present Modelling Capabilities
- MIKE 11 – Rainfall/runoff model and the one-dimensional Hydrodynamic model coupled with Dispersion, Sediment Transport, Urban Hydrology and Ground Water.
- MIKE 21 – Two-dimensional model with modules for Hydrodynamics, Advection /Dispersion, Nearshore Waves and short Waves, Wave Disturbances and Sediment Transport
- MIKE 21/3 - Hydrodynamics, Waves, sediments, water quality and Coupled FM Model to investigate the Morphological Evolution
- MIKE 12 – One-dimensional stratified Hydrodynamic and Transport Dispersion Model.
- MIKE FLOOD-Modelling of River Flooding
- MIKE 3 – Three-dimensional Particle / Spill Analysis
- LITPACK – One-dimensional Littoral Drift Simulation model.
- CORMIX Mixing Zone Model – Model to access regulatory mixing zones resulting from continuous point source discharges

Process Simulations
- Hydrological modelling
- Hydrodynamic modelling
- Wave modelling (e.g. Wave Climate, Wave Propagation, Wave Disturbances, Longwave Study, Basin Resonance)
- Coastal evolution
- River hydraulics
- Flood prediction
- Advection dispersion modelling
- Sediment transport study
- Extreme events’ (e.g. tsunami, cyclone) impact in coastal water
- Waste water (water quality) and heat dispersion modelling
- Dispersal of dredged sediment
- Oil spill Modelling