Field and Laboratory Equipment
The field investigations are undertaken by LHI to suit clients' specific needs and to facilitate the setting up and calibration of physical and mathematical models. For LHI, field investigations remain a strong and positive aspect to the services offered. LHI has a wide array of equipment to measure Waves, Currents, Tides, Flow, Temperature, Salinity etc with highly trained teams of surveyors & technicians to give an efficient service. Our measurements, customized to suit individual client requirements cover the areas of Coastal and Port Engineering, Water Resources Development and Urban Hydraulics, which include Hydrological, Hydrographic & Topographic, Hydraulic, Geo-technical and Environmental data collection. Eminent experts work with wide range of state-of-the-art instrumentation and equipment is available with the Institute.
LHI’s Present Field Investigation Capabilities

- Bathymetric and topographic surveys
- Hydrographic surveys in inland water bodies
- Shore and nearshore surveys
- Jet probing, wash boring and sediment sampling
- Measurement and recording of waves, currents, seiche, tides, etc
- Flow measurements and measurement of other hydraulic and hydrologic parameters of rivers and inland water bodies
- Offshore inspection and geotechnical investigations
Instruments for Field Investigations and Sample Collections

- SonTek ADP System, NORTEK ADP system
- InterOcean S4DW current meters for multiple wave parametric measurements
- Direct recording current meters
- Salinity and Temperature meters
- DGPS Positioning Systems
- Digital Echosounders
- Sub Bottom Profilers
- Anemometers
- Sediment and water sampling equipment
- Ship movement meter for recording ship motions including three translatory and three rotary movements
- All ancillary hydrographic and land surveying equipment.